Elevate Your Style, Celebrate Your Roots.

Discover the beauty of Middle Eastern fabrics.

The Market off Whyte: Indie Craft & Art Show. Find LOCAL. Buy LOCAL. Love LOCAL.

• November 11, 2023 •

The Market Off Whyte

Indie Craft & Art Show

Saturday 10:00am - 4:00pm

Old Strathcona Performing Arts Centre, 8426 Gateway Blvd NW, Edmonton, AB T6E 4B4

• November 10 & 11, 2023 •

Rosie T Grand Bazaar

Craft & Art Show

Friday 5:30pm - 10:00pm

Saturday 11:00am - 6:30pm

Canadian Druze Centre, 14304 134 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T5L 5V8

• November 18, 2023 •

Just One World Market

An Ethical Global Marketplace

Saturday 9:30am - 4:00pm

Old Strathcona Performing Arts Centre, 8426 Gateway Blvd NW, Edmonton, AB T6E 4B4

At 35° Roots, we're more than a brand - we're a celebration of Middle Eastern heritage and timeless elegance. Inspired by the cultural richness, vibrant colors, and intricate patterns that define the region, our company is dedicated to crafting exquisite hair accessories and fashion pieces that pay homage to the essence of Middle Eastern beauty.

We pride ourselves on seamlessly blending traditional aesthetics with contemporary designs. Each piece is meticulously hand-crafted to evoke the time-honored elements of Middle Eastern culture while maintaining a fresh perspective that resonates with today's fashion.

The name "35° Roots" draws its inspiration from the coordinates of several enchanting cities across Jordan, Palestine, and Syria. These coordinates link the ancient streets of Damascus, the vibrant markets of Amman, and the resilient spirit of Palestinian towns, our name encapsulates the rich cultural tapestry woven by these lands.

    Amman 35.9106° E 

    Ein Arik 35.1431° E 

    Jerusalem 35.2137° E 

    Madaba 35.7932° E 

    Salt 35.7269° E

    Safita 36.1192° E

At 35° Roots, we're committed to preserving the heritage of these cities by infusing their stories, colors, and textures into our creations, allowing wearers to carry a piece of these remarkable places wherever they go.

Join us on this journey to embrace Middle Eastern elegance, celebrate heritage, and redefine the way we experience fashion. At 35° Roots, we're not just creating accessories and garments; we're curating experiences that resonate with the soul.

Elevate your style, celebrate your roots, and embrace the beauty of the Middle East with 35° Roots.

Danielle Jabbor

35° Roots - Founder